
Officers Arrest Two Suspects In Strong-Arm Robbery Case | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Defense Attorney

Late last month on July 21, two young men were arrested by the Redlands Police Department in San Bernardino County and booked on robbery charges after officers responded to a series of purse snatchings in the area. According to the Press Enterprise, police stated in a news release that around 12:30 p.m. on July 21,…

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Man uses arson to try to cover up murder: What are some of the ways people try to interfere with a criminal investigation?

Recently in Murrieta, a man allegedly shot and killed his wife in their home. According to local news reports, he then transported her body to an off-site storage locker, returned to the home and set it on fire. Once the house was on fire, he called 911 and said his wife was trapped inside. When…

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Four Things You Might Not Know About Burglary in California | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Law Attorney

Burglary is a common crime in California. Between 2001 and 2006, there were over 200,000 burglaries each year in the state. And yet it’s often misunderstood, with people not being sure what constitutes burglary and possibly confusing it with other crimes such as robbery. The following are four things you might not know about burglary:…

Warrants Needed for Cellphone Searches: A Look at a Recent Supreme Court Decision | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Law Attorney

When police suspect you of a crime, do they have the right to search through your Smartphone without a warrant? Smartphones and similar mobile devices often contain a wealth of information, including names and contact information for various people you know, photos, video clips, Internet activity, and text messages. It’s no wonder that police officers…

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When Can a DUI Offense Also Result in a Charge of Child Endangerment? Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet DUI Attorney

If you are arrested for DUI and have a passenger under the age of 14 in your car with you offense, you may wind up facing a charge of child endangerment. One example that came up in the news recently, involved a woman who was involved in a police chase after the police attempted to…

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Juvenile Law: Recent Murder Case Is an Example of When Juveniles Can Be Tried as Adults | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Law Attorney

A high-profile murder case that recently made the news involves a USC graduate student who died from injuries allegedly sustained during a beating and attempted robbery. So far, four people have been arrested and charged in this case, all of them teenagers. Two of the teenagers are 18 and 19; the other two are juveniles,…

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Credit Card Fraud Can Result in Different Types Kinds of Criminal Charges – Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Law Firm

Three recent arrests in Southern California highlight the different kinds of criminal charges people can face when they’re involved in credit card fraud. Two of the people arrested were allegedly caught using a stolen credit card at a Target store. The third person was arrested after apparently renting a car for the first two to…

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Have You Been Implicated in Cross-Border Drug Transportation or Other Crimes? | Temecula, Murrieta Criminal Attorney

A lot of attention has been given recently to the southern border of the US. Among the various concerns people have about the border is the possibility of crime. There are people on both sides of the border who seek to exploit the desperation of refugees or undocumented immigrants, or to otherwise use weaknesses in…


Medical Marijuana Sales: What Can Tighter Restrictions Mean for You? – Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Defense Law Firm

Marijuana use for medical purposes became legal in California in 1996, with various limitations for use, possession and cultivation. Since then, legislators throughout the state have been seeking to further regulate medical marijuana and impose additional limitations on the industry; for instance, different jurisdictions have enacted tighter restrictions on marijuana sales for medical purposes. One…

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What Does It Mean If You’re Charged with Grand Theft Auto? | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Defense Attorney

California is in many ways a unique state, though sometimes it gets highlighted in the news for less-than-positive reasons. One recent example was a report from the National Insurance Crime Bureau on auto theft around the US. As it turns out, for 2013, California had nine of the top 10 cities with the highest rates…