
Marijuana Possession with Intent to Sell in California: The Vagueness of HS 11359

Marijuana possession in California has become a complicated situation no thanks to the Health & Safety Code 11359 law that applies to an intent to sell marijuana. While possessing less than 28.5 grams of concentrated marijuana in California is still a misdemeanor, the criminal charges for possession of non-concentrated marijuana have been reduced considerably from…

It’s Just a Misdemeanor – Do I Really Need a Juvenile Law Attorney?

Temecula, Murrieta, Hemet & Riverside County Juvenile Law Attorney If your minor child was recently charged with shoplifting, assault and battery, possession of alcohol, or another misdemeanor crime, you may be questioning whether you really need to hire a criminal attorney. If your child was quickly released to your custody, then you may reason that…

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Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Attorney Drug transportation can include walking

Being charged with transportation of narcotics is often misunderstood by defendants. The California Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) for Health and Safety Code §11379 indicates that a person transports something if he or she carries or moves it from one place to another, even if the distance is short. People most often associate transportation of drugs as…


Why It’s Important to Never Take a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Without a Fight

A lot of people think their lives and freedoms are over when they’re pulled over and given a blood alcohol test. It is true that these Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges are very serious, but if you are facing them, never throw in the towel. Instead, make sure that you hire a lawyer who…