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Apărarea în Fața Acuzațiilor de Fraudă Bancară, Skimming de Carduri și Fraudă EBT: Experiența unui Avocat de Apărare Penală cu Reputație în California și Statele Unite

Apărarea eficientă împotriva acuzațiilor de fraudă bancară, skimming de carduri și fraudă EBT necesită o înțelegere profundă a diferențelor legislative dintre state. De exemplu, în California, legile și procedurile pot diferi semnificativ față de cele din Texas, New York sau Florida. Fie că sunteți acuzat în Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento sau în…

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Înțelegerea Considerațiilor Privind Cauțiunea (Bond) pentru Cetățenii Români Acuzați de Infracțiuni Financiare în SUA

Atunci când cineva este acuzat de infracțiuni precum fraudă bancară, skimming de carduri, fraudă CalFresh/CalWorks sau fraudă ATM, este esențial să înțeleagă cum funcționează procesul de stabilire a cauțiunii, mai ales dacă este cetățean român și nu cunoaște bine sistemul juridic american. Prin intermediul acestui articol, dorim să clarificăm acest proces și să explicăm ce…

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Sandra Merritt has filed a section 995 motion to dismiss the 10 criminal charges brought against her by the California Attorney General

Sandra Merritt has filed a motion asking the San Francisco Superior Court to dismiss the 10 criminal charges brought against her by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for her undercover journalism work which exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in baby body parts. Liberty Counsel and the Law Office of Nic Cocis, a Murrieta Calif. based criminal defense…


In rare move, the California Supreme Court stays criminal case against our client, Sandra Merritt.

(The following article was published on April 23, 2019 in the Daily Journal.) In rare move, state high court stays criminal case against anti-abortion activists. The state Supreme Court granted a last-minute stay blocking a hearing to decide whether California’s top prosecutor has enough evidence to take the case of two anti-abortion activists charged with secretly…


Sandra Merritt who filmed Planned Parenthood disputes unwarranted criminal charges.

Had a good, long day in San Francisco Superior Court, but still no decision on whether Sandra Merritt’s upcoming Preliminary Hearing will be secret or open to the public. The only reason the attorney general wants to have the evidence sealed and kept from the public eye is because it provides damning evidence that these…

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Penalties for Arson Conviction – Hemet, Lake Elsinore, Menifee Criminal Defense Law Office of Nic Cocis

Being arrested and charged with arson is quite serious. Though many states consider it a misdemeanor, in California, it is a felony which carries a punishment of up to 9 years in prison, depending on the circumstances. The length of punishment depends on several factors such as the amount of damage that occurred and any…

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Attorneys for Sandra Merritt File Motion to Dismiss Criminal Charges

A few days ago, attorney Nic Cocis and Liberty Counsel filed a motion and a reply with the San Francisco Superior Court asking it to dismiss 14 of the 15 Counts in the criminal complaint brought against Sandra Merritt. The Court had previously agreed that the criminal complaint filed by the prosecutor was legally defective and…

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Another Successful Day Defending Sandra Merritt Against Criminal Charges

Last month when a San Francisco judge dismissed 14 out of the 15 criminal charges filed against Sandra Merritt, he gave the prosecutor’s office 10 days to refile them. They blew it and missed the deadline! They did not realize their error until almost a month later, when we appeared in court with Sandra Merritt….


Criminal Charges Against Sandra Merritt Defended by Nic Cocis and Liberty Counsel

On May 3rd, Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden were charged with fourteen felony counts of unlawfully recording a conversation and one felony count of criminal conspiracy. (Attorneys Nic Cocis and Harry Mihet with Sandra Merritt) The criminal charges stem from video-recordings during meetings with Planned Parenthood doctors and business executives of a fetal tissue procurement…