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What to Do When a Family Member Accuses You of Credit Card Fraud. | Temecula, Murrieta & Riverside Criminal Defense Law Office.

Many people assume that credit card fraud only happens among strangers. Someone gets a hold of another person’s information and opens one or more credit cards by forging his or her signature. The defrauded person has no idea this happened until he or she receive a bill in the mail. In tough economic times, people…

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For Drug Transportation and Similar Crimes: What Does a Drug Conspiracy Charge Mean for You?

In Long Beach recently, police officers arrested several people for allegedly operating a drug trafficking ring. According to news reports, among the charges they now face is “conspiring to distribute narcotics.” What does a conspiracy to commit a drug crime mean? There are a variety of drug crimes on the books, including drug possession and…

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Felony Stalking and Sex Offenses: A Look at a Recent California Case

A recent story that’s made the news involves a California woman who plead guilty to stalking, in exchange for prosecutors dropping charges of certain sex offenses and other crimes. The story highlights how stalking and sexual offenses often show up together in a criminal case, which has implications for the kinds of charges people might…

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Grand Theft by Embezzlement | Temecula & Murrieta Criminal Defense Attorney

Grand Theft is the crime of taking another person’s money or property, valued at $950 or more, with the intent to permanently deprive them of its possession. Charges for this crime range from misdemeanor to felony depending, in part, on the amount of money or the value of the property taken. This issue is important…


Our Defense Attorney Discusses Simple and Aggravated Assault

Assault is a serious crime that is subject to both fines and jail time under California law. However, the degree of the punishment depends on whether the accused individual committed simple or aggravated assault. Simple assault, which is defined in California Penal Code 240, is the unlawful attempt to attack another person and cause an…

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Riverside, Fontana Men Accused of ATM Robbery Ring

Two Riverside County-area men were arrested recently on suspicion of robbery. The men, a 38-year-old Riverside resident and a 25-year-old Fontana resident, are accused of orchestrating a chain of 15 thefts and attempted thefts from ATMs across a three-county area over the past six months. On Friday, Sept. 26, the U.S. Attorney’s Office charged the…

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Domestic Violence: What’s Changed in California Law?

Domestic violence occurs relatively frequently in California. For instance, the Office of the Attorney General posted data on its website showing that in 2013, people made over 150,000 calls for assistance related to domestic violence disputes. Domestic violence is a very real problem, but that doesn’t mean that every accusation is sound or that prosecutors…

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Will California Use Emergency Alerts to Help Catch Hit-and-Run Drivers?

A California assemblyman recently introduced a bill in the State legislature that calls for the use of the state’s emergency alert system after a serious hit-and-run accident. According to news coverage of this bill, the emergency system is the one often used to issue Amber Alerts after child kidnappings; if the bill becomes law, the…

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Actor Shia LaBeouf claims he was sexually assaulted at a performance art exhibition

Actor Shia LaBeouf, best known for his role in the Transformers films as well as having played the love child of Indiana Jones, has been a Hollywood bad boy of late, getting into fights and getting arrested. According to an interview in Dazed and Confused Magazine, LaBeouf claimed that he was raped by a woman…