
Child Endangerment | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Defense Attorney

What is child endangerment? Simply defined, child endangerment in violation of Penal Code section 273a(b) is: There are many examples of how the police can arrest someone under this section: for instance, a parent inflicts unjustifiable pain to a child during a spanking, a parent drives under the influence of alcohol while transporting a child,…

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Wrongly Accused of Domestic Violence? Know Your Rights!

You’ve heard the statistics before. Everyone knows that domestic violence has spiraled out of control across the globe. Pick up a newspaper, turn on the television news, surf the internet, and you can find startling statistics regarding victims of domestic violence and their perpetrators. What you don’t hear too often about, though, is the millions…

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Probation Violation | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Defense Attorney

When you are charged with any crime, whether you faced jail time or not, you probably were assigned a probationary period. In Riverside County, the probation term is usually 3 to 5 years long. During this period of time, there are a number of things that can ultimately result in you facing probation violations charges….

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Temecula and Murrieta Assault & Battery Lawyer

Arrested for Assault and Battery in Temecula or Murrieta? The term “assault and battery” is widely misunderstood. Most people believe that the term assault and battery consist of striking another individual. This belief is far from correct. Actually assault and battery are two separate crimes. Assault in violation of California Penal Code 240 takes place…

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Temecula, Murrieta Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer – Can I prevent my spouse from testifying against me in a domestic violence or spousal battery case?

I’m sometimes asked by husbands who were arrested for domestic violence — California Penal Code section 273.5 or 243(e)(1) — whether they can prevent their wives from testifying in court by invoking their marital privilege. California law recognizes two marital privileges. First, a spouse may refuse to testify against the other spouse. This privilege is…

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What is “self-defense” and when can I use it?

Suppose that you’re charged with assault, battery, domestic violence or assault with a deadly weapon. Self-defense may be used by an experienced attorney as an absolute defense to the crime with which you’re being charged. Simply stated, self-defense means that it is lawful to defend yourself from attack if: (1) as a reasonable person, you…