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Los Angeles Fashion Executives Sentenced In Money Laundering Case :: Temecula, Murrieta, Riverside County Criminal Defense Law Office

Earlier last month, two brothers who owned a textile company in Los Angeles were sentenced to prison terms of 18 months for one brother and 2 years for the other. The brothers were found guilty of laundering $370,000 through their company for a drug cartel. The “cartel” was actually part of an undercover sting operation…

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Mortgage Fraud Criminal Defense Attorney | Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee Fraud and Embezzlement Defense Law Office of Nicolai Cocis

Mortgage fraud covers a wide range of crimes, all pertaining to funding for a home. People often falsify information so that they can get a mortgage that they can’t really afford. Real estate professionals can also be found guilty of mortgage fraud. They can work with other professionals to flip houses. By working with appraisers,…

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Understanding California Forgery Laws :: Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee Criminal Defense Attorney

Under California Penal Code 470, you may be charged with forgery if you sign another person’s name to a document, fake someone’s handwriting or seal or falsify a legal document. In addition, you could face forgery charges if you present a false document as a genuine one – this particular charge typically involves a check…

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What Constitutes Forgery in California? | Temecula, Murrieta and Hemet Criminal Law Attorney

In order for a prosecutor to charge you with the crime of forgery in California, you must have knowingly intended to defraud another person or organization. When assessing the severity of your forgery, prosecutors and judges consider whether your actions could cause financial injury to someone who believed your forged document was genuine. Although writing…