Grand theft is one of the most commonly prosecuted charges in the state of California. A conviction can have long-lasting consequences on your life.  If you have been arrested for grand theft, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Riverside County criminal defense attorney to discuss your options for defending your case. The theft attorneys at the Law Office of Nic Cocis have vast experience in dealing with the charges and we’ve had much success in getting the charges lowered or completely dropped altogether for our clients.  

Continue reading to learn more about grand theft charges in Temecula, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Winchester and Murrieta.

What You Should Know About Grand Theft Charges in Murrieta

What is Considered Grand Theft?

The grand theft law for Temecula, Menifee, Lake Elsinore, Winchester and Murrieta can be found in California Code, Penal Code – PEN § 487, which states that grand theft occurs when anyone steals property valued over $950, or they steal a firearm or motor vehicle, regardless of their value.  Grand theft is a more serious offense than petty theft, which involves stealing property valued at $950 or less.  

Grand Theft Penalties

Grand theft can be prosecuted as a felony or a misdemeanor, and it is entirely the state’s discretion to decide which one it will be prosecuted as.  Whether it is prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor will determine how severe the penalties will be if there is a conviction.  

A misdemeanor grand theft conviction is punishable by a penalty of up to one year in county jail and a fine up to $1,000.  Grand theft may be charged as a misdemeanor in cases when the defendant does not have a past criminal history, or in cases involving theft of lower property value.  In some cases, a defendant will be able to avoid any jail time and will instead serve probation, community service, and/or pay restitution.  

A felony grand theft conviction, however, is punishable by either 16 months, two years, or three years in California state prison.  In addition to a harsher sentence, a felony grand theft conviction can negatively affect future employment, housing availability, and even your social status.  As such, it is absolutely vital to seek an experience criminal defense attorney whenever you may be potentially facing any felony charge.   

Top Riverside County grand theft lawyer Nic Cocis advises that defendants can also face sentence enhancements, which can add additional penalties, depending on the circumstances of the crime.  For instance, additional prison time can be added to a sentence in a case involving large financial theft, fraud or embezzlement.  It only seems logical that the more a person steals, the longer they must serve.  A judge can also tack on more time in cases that involve violence or damaged property. 

Prepare A Defense Strategy for Grand Theft

If you have been charged with grand theft in Temecula, Menifee, and Murrieta, your number one priority should be maintaining your freedom.  In order to do this, you will want to make sure you have the best legal strategy heading into trial.  Some common legal tactics in defending against grand theft include: lack of intent to steal, ownership, mistaken identity, and false allegations.  Your attorney will be able to tailor a defense strategy that is specific to your case and needs.  

Contact The Law Office of Nic Cocis Today 

Being charged with grand theft is a serious matter, and the legal process can be intimidating. The Law Office of Nic Cocis can help. Thanks to our track record of success, we’ve been able to negotiate with the District Attorney to have charges dismissed or reduced to lesser offenses for many of our clients.  Even if the state has a strong case against you, we may be able to negotiate a fair plea bargain. Don’t lose hope but take action! If you have been charged with grand theft in Temecula, Winchester, Menifee, or Murrieta, contact us now!